
Sorted by Individual Surname

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As of 03/23/2025

NameCompany / SchoolBusiness Type
ABE, FumikaYoga/Wellness TeacherYoga Instructor
ARNOLD, SayuriWFG DreamBuilder Financial, SayuriStyle, doTERRAFinancial consultant
ASHWORTH, Dennis & KumikoIL DIVINO Extra Virgin Olive OilImport and sales of Olive Oil
BRENNER, ShihoKimono Suishin LLCKimono and Japanese Apparel Retail. Kimono Dressing and Lessons.
COYNE, KazukoSharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group/döTERRAHealthcare
FELL, ChihoTranslation&interpretingEnglish - Spanish - Japanese translation
HASHIMOTO, AiAuchel World / NexwiseFinancial Consultant
HASHIMOTO, TakeshiEF International language schoolStudent
HATAOKA, EibunKWE(Kintetsu World Express)Global Logistics Partner
HAYASHI, YujiSan Diego Kibo ChurchPastor
HERNANDEZ, TomomiEvent coordinatorEvent coordinator
IIDA, TakashiUNI Partners, Inc.Insurance
ILIEV, SaoriTuSimple, Inc. IP Paralegal
IMAI, KaoriPacific Infinity USAInsurance, Medicare etc.
IMAMURA, TaiseiUniversity of California, San DiegoInternational Student
ISOGAWA, HirohisaTwo MilesAccounting
ITO, KeiichiIto Classical Guitar StudioMusic/Guitar Studio
IWAMOTO, MitsuhiroIwamoto Shishinjutsu TherapyShishinjutsu Therapy
IWATA, TakayoTerakoya.SD.Inc.Fine line tattoo, Permanent make-up
KOBAYASHI, EmikoKobayashi InsuranceLife Insurance
KOBAYASHI, ToshiyaKobayashi Law OfficeLaw Office
KOIZUMI, RisakoUniversity of California San Diego, Extended Studies (Business Management Program)
(In Japan, I work for Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC. and return to work in July 2025)
KOLTERMAN, DerekKolterman ConsultingBusiness Consulting & Service
KUSUHARA, ToshihiroFairway Golf Inc.Golf Shop
LIPPER, GregPrimeTimes.GolfGolf related coordination
MECKLENBERG, YoshiBandai Namco Toys & Collectibles AmericaToy manufacture
MIYOSHI, JunkoInternational Study Abroad Connection, Inc. / Rodan and FieldsInternational Study
MORII, HirokiMomiji Accountancy CorporationAccounting
MORRIS, Steven
MORITO, KiyokoKiyoko's Beauty ServicesBeauty / bridal salon
NAGAI, TomokoRafu Shimpo (LA News Publishing)News Publishing
NITTA, HiroyukiChopstixRestaurant
NIWA, YukoAlpha DentalDentistry
NOGUCHI, YukaUndergraduate Student at San Diego State UniversityStudent
OGATA, AkikoBusiness Broker/ConsultantBusiness Broker/Consultant
OGUCHI, MasashiAccel MotorsAuto sales/purchase
OIWA, TokoPacific Software Publishing, Inc.Information Technology industry
ONOZUKA, MichihoWorld Financial Group/Doterra/Naturally PlusFinancial Consultant, Parenting Counselor
RILEY KazumiAJI LLCSupport for International students
ROBINSON, MutsukoKeller Williams North CountyReal estate
SAITO, IbukiVivid Navigation, lnc.Community website
SAITO, ReikoWall Street Journal/Dow JonesProduce and publish the Japanese editions of financial information magazine.
SAKATA, CliffKazmi & SakataImmigration attorney
SAM, KaeIndividual Registration
SANO, YusukeIndividual Registration 
SARMIENTO, JandoAmazon Revival LogisticsLogistics
SOGABE, AkinobuAJI LLC(CA International Golf Academy)Golf
TACHIBANA, FumikoTachibana Language CenterJapanese education
TAHARA, HiroJAC Recruitment US, Inc.Japanese Recruitment Agency
TATSUMI, HidekiSharp Electronics CorporationLCD products Services & Support
TOKUDA, Junko SimpsonUniversity of California San DiegoJapanese language and cultural education
TUITES, MahoGENKI HOMECAREHome care service for seniors living
UEDA, MasayukiRamen RyomaRestaurant/Ramen
UEJIMA-CARR, MayumiTABLE FOR TWO USA"Wa-Shokuiku-Learn. Cook. Eat Japanese!" program
UYESUGI, ErikoSDUSD San Diego Unified School DistrictJapanese education
VELLIQUETTE, YumePacific Software Publishing Inc ? San Diego TownInformation Technology industry
WADA, TomihiroNew York Life Insurance | NYLIFE SecuritiesVarious insurance, Asset management, etc.
WAKABAYASHI, HiromotoLiu & Wakabayashi LLPLaw Office
WAKAO, ChiharuPumehana HealingMassage Therapist
WAKITA, ShuzoWakita & Associates, A Real Estate Company HomeTeam Property ManagementReal estate
WATANABE, SaeYoga, Fitness TrainerYoga Class/Fitness trainer